Hello! My name is Cindy and I am the owner of Feline Drive. I was one of those kids who was always bringing animals home - frogs, snakes, lightning bugs, ducks, chicks, fish, turtles, gerbils, you name it - but cats were the animal that fascinated me most. I saw them, and still see them, as the most perfect animal on the planet. As an adult I got involved with cat rescue efforts wherever I lived, be it scooping litter at the local shelter, caring for feral colonies, doing TNR (trap-neuter-return), or just helping to find homes for abandoned and/or unwanted cats in my neighborhood. Over the years, working with other cat lovers, I estimate we've found homes for over 400 cats, and trapped, neutered, and released well over 800 feral cats.
My second obsession is sewing, which also started when I was a kid, and while I don't know exactly how many quilts and other things I've created with the sewing machine, I can tell you that most of them had something to do with cats. Whether it was something for cats to use (like cat beds, toys, mats, and collars) or something for people to use (like clothing, quilts, wall hangings, potholders, table runners, and stuffed cats) they all had to be made with cat fabric. Feline Drive has given me the opportunity to continue rescue efforts in my neighborhood and support a small hoard of cats. And, to be honest, it has given me the perfect excuse to buy lots of cat fabric! I'm happy to share it all with my fellow cat and sewing addicts and I want to thank you all for your business over the years.